Am at my aunt’s house for the night… babysitting her dog !
And the phone calls are following me. I kid you not: I have gotten 14 calls since I got over here 3 hours ago. No one ever calls me that much. I don’t know why they’ve all been calling me, it’s not like I have anything interesting to say. Especially on the phone. I hate the phone… generally all I say on the phone is “yeah…. yeah…. yeah… ok…. ok…. bye.”
Been feeling post-con depression lately, I wish The Two Towers would hurry up and get here so that we can all go out again. I guess we’ll all probably go out for Harry Potter too… but eh, just not looking forward to that as much.
I forgot to bring cupcakes over here with me tonight. All I have to eat are reese’s. No want reese’s…………. want potatoes.
A few years ago my “snack of the moment” was mashed potatoes and gravy. Yes, a snack. I would fix… I think it’s the 2 servings of Hungry Jack instant mashed potatoes and gravy out of the jar and that would be my snack. A few days ago I was looking for something to eat (I’m in-between “snacks of the moment” right now, tired of reese’s but haven’t found anything else), and I decided to fix mashed potatoes and gravy for the first time in a long while. I finished the potatoes and then discovered the gravy had a lovely furry white mold growing inside the jar. Ew. So I put a huge hunk of butter in the potatoes and some pepper, stirred it up, and DAYMN that was some good eatin.
The past two days I have eaten nothing but mashed potatoes, chocolate cupcakes and mcdonald’s. And here I am wanting to lose some weight. Well, I’ve been sick! Sick people get chocolate cupcakes!!!! BAH!
AH! there’s phone call #15. marvelous. what do all you people want to talk to me about?!?!?!
Suggest a movie for me to watch. Please? Nevermind, I’ll post that at my LJ.